Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

I’m not ready just yet for fall. We’ve had a wet, hot summer and I’ve enjoyed it, as have the plants in the garden. But even so, I do hear the siren song of pumpkins and soup weather. So I took an afternoon to play around with an idea I’ve had...
Cross Stitch: SF Swear Words

Cross Stitch: SF Swear Words

  I’m a word nerd and a science fiction geek.  I also love to swear.  Like, really fucking love to curse. My swearing is sometimes a problem (like when my children started dropping f-bombs as toddlers).  But mostly swearing offers me a...
Body of a Goddess

Body of a Goddess

I’ve been quieter than usual on this blog because I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo this month.  Of course because I am me and I can’t do anything the way it is supposed to be done, I’m working on a non-fiction book rather than a...
She’s Got It, Yeah, Baby, She’s Got It!

She’s Got It, Yeah, Baby, She’s Got It!

On the bulletin board behind me is a pin I bought years ago at a Worldcon.  It reads: “I have the body of a goddess—the Venus of Willendorf.”  A guy friend who was with me at the time said, “roach, you aren’t fat.”  While I appreciated...