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Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

I'm not ready just yet for fall. We've had a wet, hot summer and I've enjoyed it, as have the plants in the garden. But even so, I do hear the siren song of pumpkins and soup weather. So I took an afternoon to play around with an idea I've had for a while: cross...

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Rub on Transfer Candle Holder

This is a quick, little craft that can really elevate your plain glass candle holders.  Get a sheet of rub on transfers and a glass and go to town decorating the holder. I got all of mine from the dollar store so this makes for a very cheap craft as well. I don't...

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Cross Stitch: SF Swear Words

Cross Stitch: SF Swear Words

  I'm a word nerd and a science fiction geek.  I also love to swear.  Like, really fucking love to curse. My swearing is sometimes a problem (like when my children started dropping f-bombs as toddlers).  But mostly swearing offers me a release for...

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Plarn: Its Crafting and Magical Uses

Plarn: Its Crafting and Magical Uses

In my book, Sew Witchy, I've written on magical correspondences of various fabrics.  My focus there was on natural fibers (cotton, linen, wool and silk).  Not all crafters and sewists limit themselves to natural materials, though.  In fact I'd hazard a guess that very...

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